Albert Bandura


Albert Bandura

Albert Bandura is a psychologist, well-known for his self-efficacy theory. He was born on December 4, 1925, in Mundare, Canada. He currently teaches at Stanford University. He works with many people around the world using his theory of self-efficacy to improve social status, to prevent HIV, to help patients with heart conditions and even to study one’s control on behavior during certain events. He believes that by having a perceived sense of control over any traumatic, distressful event, one can overcome the pain, fear and be able to move forward.  Bandura believes that his theory is more than just a psychological theory, it is more of a lifestyle.


Bandura proposed the social learning theory. He studied human learning and how children can imitate certain behaviors observed in others. Bandura proposes that there are four systems that help control and carry out behavior: attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. Bobo doll is one of the known experiments conducted by Bandura to assess, children’s behavior after watching an aggressive model act performed by an adult. In conclusion, Bandura found that children were more likely to act aggressively than those who were not exposed to the aggressive model act.




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